EU? DC 500W Air Cooled Spindle ER11+52mm Bracket+Speed Controller CNC DIY Kit. Europe countries area: A ustria, B elgium, B ulgaria, C zechRepublic, D enmark, E stonia, F inland, F rance, G ermany, G reece, H ungary, I reland, I taly, L atvia, L iechtenstein, L ithuania, L uxembourg, M onaco, N etherlands, P oland, P ortugal, R omania, S lovakia, S lovenia, S pain, S weden. Air cooled spindle motor ER11. 1 x Speed Governor 110-220V input. Motor mount with 4pcs screw. Operating Voltage (Output Voltage). Speed Governor input: 110V-220V/AC Output: 0-100V/DC Current: 6A weight: 1.86kg. Double check your address when you order after, We are not responsible for wrong or undeliverable address. If the order is during the weekends, it will be take extra 2 days longer. We care about our valued customers, and will always try to help you, hope to establish long business with you. Pls give us the opportunity to resolve any problem, we understand the concerns and frustrations you might have, and will try our best to resolve the issues. When you have the parcel, and not satisfied the goods or it is other problem like as broken, pls tell us the detail reason and provide the photos. We will help you to solve all problems. Customer’s satisfaction is very important to us. EU/UK? 500W Air Cooled Spindle Motor ER11 & Speed Governor & 52mm Clamp CNC Kit. UK+EU? 500W Air Cooled Spindle Motor ER11 & Speed Governor & 52mm Clamp CNC Kit. UK? ER11 500W Spindle Motor with Speed Controller and 52mm Clamp for CNC Router.