Garrard 301, 401 Lenco GL75, GL78, PTP Speed Controller (PSU)
Here for sale is a Turntable motor speed controller for Garrard 301,401, Lenco, L75,78, PTP and Thorens TD 124, (E50 motor only), etc. It is designed for 2 speeds – […]
Here for sale is a Turntable motor speed controller for Garrard 301,401, Lenco, L75,78, PTP and Thorens TD 124, (E50 motor only), etc. It is designed for 2 speeds – […]
Here for sale is a Turntable motor speed controller for Garrard 301,401, Lenco, L75,78, PTP and Thorens TD 124, (E50 motor only), etc. It is designed for 2 speeds – […]