CNC 0.3KW ER11 spindle motor Kit + Power supply + 52mm Clamp + speed controller
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Item contains:One item. For such kind of the items, the price and quantity change very fast. So the price here is inaccurate and please make offer or contact me for […]
CNC 300W ER11 spindle motor Kit + Power supply + 52mm Clamp + speed controller. Input voltage: AC 110V/220V. Working voltage: DC 12-48V. Insulation resistance: >2 megohms. Total length of […]
High Speed CNC spindle Motor WS55-140 ER11 300W Bracket Motor Driver Controller. ER11 collet -(3.175mm). Thank you for your support. We are not responsible for undeliverable address. Dear friend, your […]
Item contains:One item. We have a lot of products and only show a small number of products on the website.
Item contains:One item. We have a lot of products and only show a small number of products on the website. We offer the state of the art products, which include […]
Item contains: One item. We have a lot of products and only show a small number of products on the website. If you have any question, please contact me directly. […]
Item contains:One item. We have a lot of products and only show a small number of products on the website.
The price is the least important, the quality is the most significant for us! Give us the opportunity to serve you! Item contains:One item. We have a lot of products […]
CNC 6565 Laser Engraver Machine w/ 80W Laser Moudle & MotherBoard & Z Axis Kit. CNC Router Machine 8080 Full Kit 3 Axis Metal Engraving Cutting Milling Machine. CNC Router […]
Note:This motor Chuck size is 3.175mm. Insulation resistance:> 2 megohms. Chuck Part Length: Arbor parts 35mm, (including nuts and sandwich 43mm). Part chuck diameter: 16mm. Motor length: 185mm (including gripping […]